Erin Jennings, Faith Kimberling and Marie Carstens will be dancing Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 3 p.m. to portions of the Brahms Love Songs, Liebeslieder Walzer (Op. 52) and Neue Liebeslieder (Op. 65), performed by the Putnam Chorale, music director Douglas Anderson.
Sunday, 4/29/18
3 p.m.
Starr Ridge Banquet Center, 38 Starr Ridge Road, Brewster, NY.
Adults $20
Seniors/Students $15
Under 12 Free
Call 845-520-7574 or visit www.PutnamChorale.org
This program is made possible in part by the New York State Council on the Arts with additional funds from Putnam County, managed by the Putnam Arts Council, Mahopac, NY.